A Hosted Buyer is a senior decision maker responsible for organising meetings and events across the globe. Professional buyers come from a range of different sectors all with a common goal in mind, to search for new suppliers who can create better business results for their organisation.

Tourism hosted buyers are classified as serious travel procurement professionals and their main purpose of attending International Fair of Tourism in Novi Sad would be exploring new business frontiers, signing deals, exploring travel products/destination and negotiating pricing/packages with exhibitors.




To qualify as a buyer, you must be responsible for organising, negotiating and/or making budgetary decisions. Each applicant has to pass our (Novi Sad Fair and EVINTRA)

qualification criteria by providing information of their organisation. This information is reviewed by our hosted buyer team and if all requirements are met, applicant will be accepted to the Hosted Buyer Program.

The hosted buyer will receive complimentary travel and accommodation in return for committing to a set number of appointments with exhibitors of their choosing.

In addition, if B2B participant wishes to have a meeting with Hosted Buyer, the participant is required to have their own exhibition’s area in the fair.

If you have been approved for the Hosted Buyer program you will be contacted by our team.

Bilateral Talks

  • Participants39
  • Meetings Requested166
  • Meetings Accepted76


Profile views

  • Before Event1233
  • After Event90256


  • NoviSadFair.png
  • SWO_RDA_logo.png

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Novi Sad, Хајдук Вељкова 11, Нови Сад, Србија